Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Evan's Year in Review: May 2007 (2)

Evan with the Queen of the Fairies at the Renaissance Fair. I just has to include two pictures for May because the Renaissance Fair is going to become a yearly event!!! You weren't afraid of the Queen of the Fairies but you were a little in awe of the whole thing. She is a friend of Papa's and so was happy to pose for this picture with you....our little Puck!!!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Evan's Year in Review: May 2007

Your mommy’s first Mother’s Day and you are sweet and cuddly. Boy… are you ever growing Evan. You get bigger and learn new things every day. You have a really cute little smile but alas you have a temper too. When you get mad everyone in the house knows it. You are starting to sit up and get around, so you are into everything. You love to turn over your toy basket.