Friday, February 20, 2015

Snow Day Fun!

Starting the day out with some crazy sledding.....
Evan and some friends decided to brave "Death Mountain" (their name for the hills behind Evan's house) later in the day. was super cold but they had a lot of boyish fun!

It does look like they are in the middle of the wilderness!
Round two of sledding (another day) with Barb and Cresia....
Evan's not too keen on stopping to pose for a picture!
They are trying to hit the snow ramp!
Barb and Cresia decided to try sledding in an old kiddie pool.... hmmmm....
'Plastic pool'
Ended up breaking two sleds but it was fun!  I managed to pick up two more sleds at Rural King (just in case it snows again this winter)
Evan is blessed with family and friends and friends who are family!

Then we built a snow fort in the back yard...Grandma was exhausted!!

Love my boy and so many great memories!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Fishy February's February already. Where does the time go to. Evan has started a new hobby (with Grandma's help)  He now has an aquarium. We spent some time doing research about the types of fish that might live together well in a community aquarium. We picked up some basic supplies at Walmart and readied the tank.  Then off to the pet shop to purchase a few "pets".

We started out with the basics. Gravel floating jelly fish, a cute little shark (hiding place for fish or shrimp or loach) and of course a skull. I mean what aquarium doesn't need a skull?

We added this little sign because it reminded us of our friend Cresia. Next we added a ship and some plants.

You can also see we added a few fish. We decided to go with Guppies. We started with just three, a yellow one, an orange one and one called a Tequila Sunrise.  They adjusted to the tank well.

Then we waited a few days and added three more guppies, a turquoise one, a Tuxedo one, and a "fancy" guppy which is really just spotted. At that point it was time to add a few ghost shrimp and a loach!

It's hard to get pictures as these little things are constantly moving!  I tried to get a picture of the loach (an eel like fish) but he likes to move fast and hide under the gravel and other objects. He really likes to get inside the sunken ship and looks weird slithering out of it!

I did however mange to get a little picture of one of the ghost shrimp. I call them Casper (there are three right now but we are adding three more). Evan calls them Steves because of the mind craft game where everyone starts out as a Steve and they all look alike!

The fish are providing fun for the whole family. Everyone likes checking on them and we have to watch Ted, the cat carefully because he has discovered them and well, you know cats and fish!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Just Hanging Out in January

Evan had a lunch date with mom one day before heading back to school after Christmas break.

Evan got in a little basketball practice at home over the weekend of Jan. 17-18th as the weather was quite nice.

Unfortunately even nice weather doesn't guarantee good health....the cold bug strikes again!

Evan's teacher sent this to Cresia who passed it on to us. Evan had just visited the school store and was enjoying his new funny glasses!

Evan got this in January too! So proud of this kid!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Basketball Begins

Evan is participating in the Upward basketball program this year and January 8th was his first practice!  The team lined up and as you can see Evan is WAY taller than the rest of the team!  Evan's coach is Wes Dalton who is someone we have known for years. I hope Evan has a great experience this year and learns some basic skills.

Snapped this picture when Evan was just catching a pass. They did several drills that focused on passing, shooting, dribbling, and pivoting.

Evan is working on shooting. He is focusing on shooting with his right hand and just guiding the ball with his left rather than pitching it. It takes a lot of concentration. He did manage to make several baskets during practice!
The weather is cold but we are hoping to get in several practices before his first game January 24th!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Ending 2014

Katie and Matt had a "dark dinner" with Evan on New Year's Eve. We used to do "dark dinners" also know as special dinners by candlelight! 

Evan tried really hard to stay up till midnight....
He always plans to stay up late but he does like his sleep....
Evan and Mom

Evan's dog Tucker in his fancy tuxedo sweater......doesn't he look thrilled......

Happy New Years Evan and Tucker...may 2015 be the best year ever!!